Objective To investigate the nursing of pupillary capture combined with secondary cataract in order to consolidate therapy and promote rehabilitation. 目的探讨瞳孔夹持合并后发性白内障的护理措施,以达到巩固治疗、促进康复的目的。
Aphakic pupillary block glaucoma and malignant glaucoma ( ciliovitreal block) are severe complications of the intracapsular cataract extraction, presenting clinically as elevated intraocular pressure, persistent shallow anterior chamber and severe vitreal hernia. 无晶体眼瞳孔阻滞性青光眼和睫状玻璃体阻滞性青光眼(恶性青光眼)是白内障囊内摘除术的严重并发症,都有眼压升高、前房变浅、玻璃体疝严重等临床表现。
Conclusions After pupillary zone management with three kinds of methods, cataract extraction and pasterior IOL implantation are safe, light injury and with satisfactory effect. 结论针对性地选用3种不同方法处理瞳孔,损伤小,较顺利进行白内障摘出及后房人工晶状体植入术,术后获得满意的效果。
Conclusion Fixed pupillary capture of IOL is the common complication in children after cataract surgery. Severe postoperative uveal tract reaction and secondary cataract and lens cortex regeneration are the major causes of intraocular lens pupillary capture. 结论白内障摘除术后葡萄膜炎性反应、晶状体皮质再生及后发性白内障是引起儿童IOL固定性瞳孔夹持的主要原因。
Conclusion For complicated cataract after trabeculectomy, uveitis with pupillary block, and serious diabetic cataract, the intraocular surgery through a corneal incision is effective and safe. 结论经角膜切口治疗青光眼小梁切除术后并发白内障、陈旧性葡萄膜炎瞳孔闭锁并发白内障及严重的糖尿病性白内障等,其疗效安全、可靠。
Objective To investigate the optimal method to manage severe posterior capsule opacification accompanied intraocular lens ( IOL) pupillary capture in childhood after cataract extraction and IOL implantation. 目的探讨儿童严重后发性白内障合并人工晶状体固定性瞳孔夹持的合理的治疗方法及疗效。